Mobridge M1000-M-DA3 DSP Professional MOST Interface
by Mobridge
Original price
₹ 79,990
Original price
₹ 79,990
Original price
₹ 79,990
₹ 79,990
₹ 79,990
₹ 79,990
Current price
₹ 79,990
Taxes & Shipping Included
The mObridge DA3 Digital Signal Processor is a revolutionary method of integrating high-end aftermarket audio components with the factory radio.
The DA3 is a full digital signal processor complete with graphical interface that replaces the factory amplifier and eliminates the need for high to low voltage converters and/or summing devices. Simply disconnecting the optical cables from
the factory amplifier, and inserting them directly into the DA3, will provide 8-channels of full range, ultra clean fully configurable audio.
The mObridge DA3 interprets many of the factory radio commands eliminating the need for an external volume control knob.
Its DSP processor will decipher and control volume, treble, mid-bass, bass, subwoofer, and balance functions of the factory radio.
With the addittion of the power UI interface the full power of the DA series is now available to users. With full parametric adjustment of the individual channels as well as the master eq, 20ms time alignment, cross over linking and much more, the user now has the ability to achieve award winning reasults with the DA3 interface.
Please note: As of firmware 1.8.0 mono gain control has been added. This will affect the non-volatile memory structure of older units. Pls refer to the release notes and we highly recommend saving your profile before the upgrade into an *.rax file. The latest GUI 0.7.1 from our website is required to work with this firmware! You must save your settings before installing the new GUI. As of firmware 1.7.0 presets profiles have been added. This may affected the non-volatile memory structure of older units. This now also adds the ability for users to switch profiles via the factory radio 'Surround' settings. Pls refer to the release notes and we highly recommend saving your profile before the upgrade into an *.rax file.
- Windows: mObridge DSP for Windows
- OSX: mObridge DSP for OSX
Aston Martin Note: DA1, DA2 & DA3 products are special order from the factory. The standard DA series does not contain the ability to be used in the Aston Martin cars!